This article is a translated excerpt from my ebook. For a more comprehensive exploration into this topic, check out my full ebook.
It is said that the Lord God does not change. If so, what is the source of this world which is changing continuously. What is mystery of the dynamicity and action in the world? What is the relationship between the Lord which does not change and the world whose very existence depends on change? Read Satnaam 46 to get the answer to this question.
यह कहा गया है कि परमात्मा स्थिर सत्ता है। यदि ऐसा है तो संसार में गति व कर्म का स्रोत और रहस्य क्या है? परमात्मा की स्थिरता और संसार की गतिशीलता का आपसी संबंध क्या है? इसका उत्तर जानने के लिए पढ़ें सतनाम 46